Onstage Ogden Presents: One-Man Star Wars Trilogy
January 31, 2025 7:30 PM –9:30 PM
Arts & Culture Categories: * PERFORMING ARTS,Comedy,Entertainment,Performing Arts
Audience: Children,Teens,Adults
Type of Event: * DOWNTOWN,Entertainment,Show
Cost: Tickets starting at $25
Link: https://www.onstageogden.org/show-item/one-man-star-wars/
A long time ago, in a Canadian town far, far away…young “uber geek” Charles Ross had no idea that his love for Star Wars films would someday produce a global sensation. Now touring worldwide with his solo madcap creation One-Man Star Wars ® Trilogy, Ross distills the classic bad hair trilogy in just 60 minutes – no costumes, no props, no sets – and plays all your favorite characters with spot-on impressions. Combining the skillset of a seasoned actor with childlike energy and imagination, Ross does it all – singing the music, flying the ships, and fighting the battles. It’s sidesplitting fun suitable for fans ages 6 to Yoda. Grab your favorite Jedi and experience the phenomenon loved by audiences from London’s West End, Lucasfilm, and Charlie’s mom.
“One Man Star Wars Trilogy performed with permission of Lucasfilm Ltd. All ‘Star Wars’ elements property of Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.”
Ages 8+ are welcome.