Fall Trail Mixer
October 17, 2024 5:30 PM –7:30 PM
Community Categories: Community Event
Audience: Children,Teens,Adults,Athletes,Businesses,Members
Type of Event: Open House
Cost: FREE
Contact: tfnu@tfnu.org
Link: https://www.tfnu.org/trail-mixers
The Trail Mixer is an open-house style event where the community is invited to spend time with the staff and board of Trails Foundation of Northern Utah. We invite you to stop by and learn about Who we are and What we do- including current projects, events and how you can get involved! The first 30 people to arrive will receive a SWAG Bag!
There will be:
LIVE Music: Love, Juliet
Snacks and Drinks
TFNU Membership Drive
'24 Peak Challenge Finisher Awards