Excellence in the Community presents: The Redfeather Acoustic Quartet
April 7, 2025 6:30 PM –8:00 PM
Arts & Culture Categories: * PERFORMING ARTS,Entertainment,Instrumental,Music,Performing Arts,Rock-N-Roll,Vocal Group
Audience: Children,Teens,Adults
Type of Event: * DOWNTOWN,Concert,Entertainment,Show
Cost: Free
Link: https://www.ogdenpet.com/events/2025/excellence-in-the-community-the-redfeather-acoustic-quartet
This is a free event, but please register to attend as it helps us plan! Register here.
With acoustic guitars and three part harmonies, the Red Feather Acoustic Quartet pays tribute to the singer / songwriters of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Songs from Loggins & Messina, the Everly Brothers. Jimmy Buffett, Willie Nelson, CCR, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Neil Young, the Beatles, Peter & Gordon, James Taylor, Simon & Garfunkel, George Straight, and more, are on the program.